Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FICA)
We are an Accountable Institution (AI) in terms of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FICA) and are obliged under certain circumstances to obtain client information and to report certain financial transactions.

We have a complaints resolution process and will reply to any written complaint. A copy of the complaints process is available upon request. Complaints may be addressed to If you are dissatisfied with the response, you may refer your complaint to LEAD’s of Compliance Officer Debra Gill at, or if you are still dissatisfied with your response, to the Office of the Ombud for Financial Services Providers, at or telephone number 0860 324 766. The Ombud has been created to provide you with a redress mechanism for any inappropriate financial advice that you feel may have been given to you by a financial services provider.

DISCLAIMER: The LEAD portfolios are life-pooled portfolios offered by 27four Life (27four). Lead Impact Capital (Pty) Ltd (Lead) provides asset management services to 27four in respect of these portfolios and markets these portfolios on behalf of 27four. Investors in the portfolios will be issued with policies underwritten by 27four (Reg. No: 2004/014436/06), a registered long-term insurer (License No: 10/10/1/238/2). The portfolio administration and the policy administration are outsourced to Prescient Fund Services (Pty) Ltd. LEAD (Reg. No:2019/381577/07) is an authorized Financial Services Provider (License No.50498) under the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 37 of 2002. LEAD is regulated by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA).
This information has been compiled to provide factual information on the policy offered and does not constitute advice as defined and contemplated in the FAIS Act. All returns are quoted after the deduction of fees. Past investment returns are not indicative of future returns and the value of investments will fluctuate over time. Independent financial advice should always be sought before making an investment decision. Although reasonable steps have been taken to ensure the validity and accuracy of the information in this document, 27four Limited and Lead Impact Capital (Pty) Ltd do not accept any responsibility for any claim, damages, loss or expense, howsoever arising, out of or in connection with the information in this document, whether by a client, investor or intermediary.